Leg ulcers associated with factor V Leiden mutationEmek Kocatürk, Mukaddes Kavala, İlkin Zindancı, Zafer Türkoğlu, Melek Koç, Seyhan BeyhanGoztepe Training and Research Hospital, Dermatology Clinic, Istanbul
Venous leg ulcers constitute 70 % of all leg ulcers which is a serious consequence of postthrombotic syndrome. Immobilisation, surgery, trauma, pregnancy, oral contraceptive drugs and some coagulation defects have been reported to be risk factors for venous thrombosis. Activated protein C resistance is the most frequent cause of hereditary thrombophilia which is mostly associated with a point mutation in factor V protein. Risk of venous thrombosis is substantially increased in patients with factor V Leiden mutation. Herein we report two cases with factor V Leiden mutation which responded dramatically to oral anticoagulation therapy. Keywords: Leg ulcers, factor V Leiden mutation
Faktör V Leiden mutasyonuna bağlı bacak ülserleriEmek Kocatürk, Mukaddes Kavala, İlkin Zindancı, Zafer Türkoğlu, Melek Koç, Seyhan BeyhanSB Göztepe Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi Dermatoloji Kliniği, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Bacak ülseri, faktör V Leiden mutasyonu
Emek Kocatürk, Mukaddes Kavala, İlkin Zindancı, Zafer Türkoğlu, Melek Koç, Seyhan Beyhan. Leg ulcers associated with factor V Leiden mutation. Medeniyet Med J. 2007; 22(4): 153-155
Corresponding Author: Emek Kocatürk, Türkiye |