Primary ovarian ectopic pregnancyRecep Yıldızhan, Ertan Adalı, Begüm Yıldızhan, Nazlı Karataş, Fatih Birol, Necdet SüerSSK Göztepe Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul
In ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized ovum implants in an area other than the endometrial lining of the uterus. Primary ovarian pregnancy is a rare variant of ectopic pregnancy. Incidence is reported as 1/7.000-1/60.000. Primary ovarian ectopic pregnancy is 1-3 % of all ectopic pregnancies. It is difficult to diagnose clinically and even intra operatively. Ovarian pregnancy is diagnosed only after pathologic examination of the specimen. Keywords: Primary ovarian ectopic pregnancy
Birincil ovaryan ektopik gebelikRecep Yıldızhan, Ertan Adalı, Begüm Yıldızhan, Nazlı Karataş, Fatih Birol, Necdet SüerSSK Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Birincil ovaryan ektopik gebelik
Recep Yıldızhan, Ertan Adalı, Begüm Yıldızhan, Nazlı Karataş, Fatih Birol, Necdet Süer. Primary ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Medeniyet Med J. 2005; 20(4): 246-247
Corresponding Author: Recep Yıldızhan, Türkiye |