An antenatal osteogenezis imperfekta tip 2 case: Case ReportMustafa Kara1, Ercan Yılmaz1, A. Hulusi Tekşen21Agri Maternity and Child Health Hospital, Agri 2Göztepe Training Hospital, Istanbul
INTRODUCTION: We aimed a patient whose detected Osteogenezis İmperfekta Tip 2 in antenatal period, to discuss a case report. METHODS: A patient who is 24 years old and whose pregnancy is detected, osteogenezis İmperfekta Tip 2 in 30. pregnancy weeks had amniosynthesis and after the completion of the molecular tests the patient is included the study. RESULTS: Ağrı Maternity and Children Hospital. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Osteogenezis İmperfekta Tip 2 is diagnosed that diminishing of calvarium mineralisation, flattening profile and fractures of the long bones since the 20. Pregnancy weeks and because of pairing chromosomal abnormalities and structural deformities this event results exitus intrauterin or neonatally.
Keywords: Osteogenezis İmperfekta Tip 2, ultrasonography, amniosynthesis
Antenatal osteogenezis imperfekta tip 2 olgusuMustafa Kara1, Ercan Yılmaz1, A. Hulusi Tekşen21Ağrı Kadın Doğum ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Hastanesi, Ağrı 2Göztepe Eğitim Hastanesi, İstanbul
Anahtar Kelimeler: Osteogenezis İmperfekta Tip 2, ultrasonografi, amniosentez
Mustafa Kara, Ercan Yılmaz, A. Hulusi Tekşen. An antenatal osteogenezis imperfekta tip 2 case: Case Report. Medeniyet Med J. 2009; 24(1): 38-40
Corresponding Author: Mustafa Kara, Türkiye |