An Otitis Media in a NewbornNalan Karabıyık, Demet Karakoç, Sultan Kavuncuoğlu, Sibel Öztürk, Nuri EngerekMaternity and Pediatrics Hospital, Istanbul
In the neonatal period, otitis media is observed in patients receiving intensive care, especially in preterm babies intubated via nasotracheal route. A 6 days old term male infant who was born by vaginal delivery was referred to our outpatient clinic due to a discharge in his left ear. The otoscopic examination of the patient during physical examination made the diagnosis of otitis media where no any other features were present. A hemoculture was carried out where infectious markers of the patient were found negative and an IV antibiotic treatment was eventually started. P. aeruginosa isolated in the infant’s culture of the aspirated middle ear effusion. The discharge in the ear of the infant disappeared at the third day of therapy. Parenteral antibiotic therapy was completed at the the end of the tenth day and the patient who has normal otoscopic examination was discharged from the clinic. Acute otitis media should be remembered in newborns with sepsis symptoms, especially who have risk factors for otitis media. Keywords: Newborn, preterm, otitis media
Yenidoğanda Otitis MediaNalan Karabıyık, Demet Karakoç, Sultan Kavuncuoğlu, Sibel Öztürk, Nuri EngerekSSK Bakırköy Doğumevi Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim Hastanesi, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Yenidoğan, prematüre, otitis media
Nalan Karabıyık, Demet Karakoç, Sultan Kavuncuoğlu, Sibel Öztürk, Nuri Engerek. An Otitis Media in a Newborn. Medeniyet Med J. 2004; 19(1): 42-43
Corresponding Author: Nalan Karabıyık, Türkiye |