Primary Duodenum AdenocarcinomaBirkan Bozkurt, Güngör Gül, Kadri Güler, Faik ÇelikSSK Goztepe Hospital, 4. Surgery, Istanbul
Small bowel neoplasms are exceedingly rare despite the fact that the small bowel constitutes approximately 80 % of the total length of the GI tract and makes up more than 90 % of the mucosal surface area. Only 5 % of all GI neoplasms and only 1 to 2 % of all malignant tumors of the GI tract occur in the small bowel (1,2). There are four major types of malignant small bowel tumors-adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumors (leiomiosarcomas), carcinoid tumors, and lymphomas. About 30 % to 50 % of all small bowel cancers are adenocarcinoma. Anatomically these tumors occur in decreasing frequency as one progresses distally through the small intestine, with the periampullary duodenum being the most comman site. In this article we report a rare entity case of primary duodeum adenocarcinoma. Keywords: Primary duodenum adenocarcinoma, post pyloric stenozis
Primer Duodenum AdenokarsinomuBirkan Bozkurt, Güngör Gül, Kadri Güler, Faik ÇelikSSK Göztepe Hastanesi, 4. Cerrahi Kliniği, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Primer duodenum adenokarsinomu, post pilorik stenoz
Birkan Bozkurt, Güngör Gül, Kadri Güler, Faik Çelik. Primary Duodenum Adenocarcinoma. Medeniyet Med J. 2003; 18(4): 238-239
Corresponding Author: Birkan Bozkurt, Türkiye |