Drain site metastasis after resection of gastric cancerBülent Gürbüz1, Salih Tosun1, İ. Ali Özdemir2, Özgür Ekinci1, Haydar Yalman1, Rafet Yiğitbaşı11S. B. Goztepe Training and Research Hospital 3rd General Surgery Clinic, Istanbul 2S. B. Yozgat State Hospital General Surgery, Yozgat
Gastric carsinom has the important role at the incidence and mortality rates. Metastatic carsinoma to the skin is a uncommon occurrence and at a rate of less than 5% are detected. A 63 year old wowan underwent subtotal gastrectomy for curative excision of gastric carsinom. She received to oncology postoperatively. 9 months after the operation she presented with a mass at the drain site. Mass excized totally and pathological evaluations showed metastatic adenocarsinom. Skin metastasis is frequently patients who underwent to palliative resection. Seeding tumor cells and recurrence is an unwanted complication for the surgeon and the patient. Keywords: Drain, metastasis, gastric cancer, tumor recurrence, cance
Malignite nedeni ile mide rezeksiyonu sonrası dren yeri metastazıBülent Gürbüz1, Salih Tosun1, İ. Ali Özdemir2, Özgür Ekinci1, Haydar Yalman1, Rafet Yiğitbaşı11S.B. Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi 3. Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, İstanbul 2S.B. Yozgat Devlet Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, Yozgat Anahtar Kelimeler: Dren, metastaz, mide kanseri, tümör nüksü, kanser
Bülent Gürbüz, Salih Tosun, İ. Ali Özdemir, Özgür Ekinci, Haydar Yalman, Rafet Yiğitbaşı. Drain site metastasis after resection of gastric cancer. Medeniyet Med J. 2010; 25(4): 185-187
Corresponding Author: Bülent Gürbüz, Türkiye |