Porphyria disease and anaesthesiaOsman Arpaz, Sibel Devrim, Aydemir Yalman, Melek ÇelikS. B. Goztepe Training and Research Hospital Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Istanbul
Porphyria is a result of a spesific enzyme deficiency at hem biosenthesis steps. The precursors are ALA and PBG at porfirin synthesis and the disorders at these steps are named as porphyria. Acute porphyrias are metabolic disorders at biochemical processes on liver. Porphyria disease is very important for anaesthetists. We wanted to emphasize which anesthesia method is safer at a patient which has diagnosed as porphyria. Keywords: Porphyria, Anesthesia, Thiopental, Propofol
Porfiri hastalığı ve anesteziOsman Arpaz, Sibel Devrim, Aydemir Yalman, Melek ÇelikS.B. Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Kliniği, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Porfiri, Anestezi, Tiyopental, Propofol
Osman Arpaz, Sibel Devrim, Aydemir Yalman, Melek Çelik. Porphyria disease and anaesthesia. Medeniyet Med J. 2008; 23(2): 70-72
Corresponding Author: Osman Arpaz, Türkiye |