Sudden Temporary Visual Loss in a Patient with Bilateral Intracranial Carotid AneurysmeSevim Kuyumcu, Makbule C. Köseoğlu, H. Hasan ErbilSSK Goztepe Training and Research Hospital, Eye Clinic, Istanbul
A dissecting aneurysme of the great cervical vessels causes local pain over the involved vessel, when the carotid artery involved there is severe retroorbital and frontal pain. Temporary severe visual loss is a rare symptom after dissection of the aneurysme We present a 52- year- old woman who developped sudden painful loss of vision in the left eye At first, we thought that she was having a retrobulber optic neuropathy. After a follow-up period the diagnosis was compressive optic neuropathy. This report emphisizes that the difficulty in imaging intracranial aneurysms of various sizes, the rapidity with which intracranial aneurysms can enlarge, and the importance of continued follow up examinations in patients thought to have optic neuritis. Keywords: Sudden temporary visual loss, MR imaging, intracanial aneurysme
İnternal Karotid Arter Anevrizmasında Ani Geçici Görme KaybıSevim Kuyumcu, Makbule C. Köseoğlu, H. Hasan ErbilSSK Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Göz Hastalıkları Kliniği, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Ani geçici total görme kaybı, MR görüntüleme, intrakranial anevrizma
Sevim Kuyumcu, Makbule C. Köseoğlu, H. Hasan Erbil. Sudden Temporary Visual Loss in a Patient with Bilateral Intracranial Carotid Aneurysme. Medeniyet Med J. 2002; 17(2): 124-126
Corresponding Author: H. Hasan Erbil, Türkiye |