Differential diagnosis between sacrococygeal teratoma and acardiac twinElif Meşeci, Ferah Albayram, Ertan Adalı, Nazlı Karataş, Necdet SüerSSK Göztepe Training and Research Hospital III. Maternity Clinic, Istanbul
Perinatal neoplasia account 2.6 % of childhood tumours; 35 % of them are teratomas. 80 % of urogenital and anorectal tumours that cause anatomical and fuctional problems are sacrococygeal teratomas. 21 years old, G1 woman referred to our hospital with a mass lesion in the fetus at 38 th gestational weeks of pregnancy. The ultrasonography result was 97*72 mm solid mass containing 53*45 mm cystic lesion in it. We perform second level ultrasonography at our clinics. Since the patient referred at very late gestational weeks; mass lesion could not be localized accurately. With these findings possible differential diagnosis are sacrococygeal teratoma or acardiac twin. Keywords: Sakrokoksigeal teratom, akardiyak ikiz
Akardiyak ikiz tanısı ile karışan sakrokoksigeal teratomElif Meşeci, Ferah Albayram, Ertan Adalı, Nazlı Karataş, Necdet SüerSSK Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi III. Kadın Doğum Kliniği, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Sacrococygeal teratoma, acardiac twin
Elif Meşeci, Ferah Albayram, Ertan Adalı, Nazlı Karataş, Necdet Süer. Differential diagnosis between sacrococygeal teratoma and acardiac twin. Medeniyet Med J. 2004; 19(4): 235-236
Corresponding Author: Elif Meşeci, Türkiye |