Two Cases of Kaposis Sarcoma Associated with Immunosuppressive TherapyÖ. Emek Kocatürk, Burçe Can, Fatma Menteş, Mukaddes KavalaSSK Goztepe Hospital, Dermatology Clinic, Istanbul
Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a multicentric neoplasia deriving from both vascular and lymphatic endotelial cells. There are four subtypes presenting with different clinical courses; classic (sporadic), endemic (African type), immunosupressionrelated (iatrogenic) and AIDS-related. The incidence of KS is extremely high among people treated with immunosuppressive therapy especially in the ones with organ transplants. Its incidence is higher in patients treated with cyclosporin A rather than azathioprine and methylprednisolone. This high incidence is probably related to the strong immunosuppressive action of cyclosporine. It is said that cell mediated immunity may play a role in the pathogenesis of immunosuppression related KS and immunosuppressive drugs not only interfere with the immun defences of human body but also have mutagenic potantial. ‹mmunosuppression related KS usually presents with cutaneous lesions and visceral involvement is not expected. The lesions usuallly resolve with the cessation or tappering of immunosuppressive therapy. Herein we report two cases of KS developing in patients who were receiving immunosuppressive therapy; in patient 1 for the prevention of rejection after renal transplantation and in patient 2 for the therapy of pyoderma gangrenosum. The increased incidence of KS in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy should be considered while evaluating the lesions developing in these patients. Keywords: Kaposi’s sarcoma, immunosuppression
İmmunsupresif Tedaviye Bağlı Kaposi SarkomuÖ. Emek Kocatürk, Burçe Can, Fatma Menteş, Mukaddes KavalaSSK Göztepe Eğitim Hastanesi, Dermatoloji Kliniği, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Kaposi sarkomu, immunsupresyon
Ö. Emek Kocatürk, Burçe Can, Fatma Menteş, Mukaddes Kavala. Two Cases of Kaposis Sarcoma Associated with Immunosuppressive Therapy. Medeniyet Med J. 2003; 18(4): 240-242
Corresponding Author: Ö. Emek Kocatürk, Türkiye |