Laparoscopy in the Diagnosis of Non-Palpable TestesReşit Tokuç, Erem Kaan Başok, Necmettin Atsü, Cemil KutsalSSK Göztepe Hospital, Urology Clinic, Istanbul
In pediatric urology, cryptorchidism is frequent condition and nearly 20 % of the undescended testes are non-polpable and are localized within in the distal end of the inguinal ring or intraabdominally. Laparoscopy has been a very useful diagnostic tool in these patients who have always been challenging to manage.
In this study, we retrospctively evaluated our initial experiences of diagnostic laparoscopy in the dignosis of non-palpable testes. Keywords: Laparoscopy, undescended testes, orchipexy, testicular tumor, infertility
Non-Palpabl Testis Tanısında Laparoskopinin YeriReşit Tokuç, Erem Kaan Başok, Necmettin Atsü, Cemil KutsalSSK Göztepe Eğitim Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Laparoskopi, inmemiş testis, orşiopeksi, testis tümörü, infertilite
Reşit Tokuç, Erem Kaan Başok, Necmettin Atsü, Cemil Kutsal. Laparoscopy in the Diagnosis of Non-Palpable Testes. Medeniyet Med J. 2003; 18(1): 50-51
Corresponding Author: Reşit Tokuç, Türkiye |