Aspiration Avoiding Tracheostomy in Neonatal Cystic Oral LesionMohd Shaıfulnızam Mamat Nasır1, Muhammad Nuaim Ishak1, Farah Hanan Abd Wahıd2, Jawaad Ahmed Asıf2, Irfan Mohamad11Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia Health Campus, 16150 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia 2Oromaxillofacial Unit, School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia Health Campus, 16150 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Oral cyst is uncommon in the neonatal period. Depending on the size and site of occurrence, the symptoms may vary. If it not diagnosed and managed expeditiously, these oral cyst may cause significant morbidity and mortality as its can be fatal. We report a successfully managed case of oral cyst in neonate that presented with huge tongue mass at birth with potential impending airway obstruction. She was referred for tracheostomy as intubation was impossible. We attempted needle aspirate and the airway successfully relieved without the need for tracheostomy. Keywords: Cyst, tongue, oral cavity, neonate, tracheostomy
Mohd Shaıfulnızam Mamat Nasır, Muhammad Nuaim Ishak, Farah Hanan Abd Wahıd, Jawaad Ahmed Asıf, Irfan Mohamad. Aspiration Avoiding Tracheostomy in Neonatal Cystic Oral Lesion. Medeniyet Med J. 2019; 34(4): 400-403
Corresponding Author: Irfan Mohamad, Malaysia |