Successful management of subdural intracranial empyema linked with cerebral abscess as a consequence of pansinusitisFahrudin Alic1, Aldin Jusic1, Hakija Beculic1, Nedim Barucija2, Enisa Ibrahimagic;suljic31Department of Neurosurgery, Cantonal Hospital Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2Department od maxillofacial surgery, Cantonal Hospital Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3Department of infectious disease, Cantonal Hospital Zenica, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
This paper reports an unusual case of successful neurosurgical and medical management of subdural empyema combined with cerebral abscess verified by clinical and neuroradiological criteria. It proves that if there is improvement in clinical-neurological condition patient can be discharged after intensive and continuous parenteral antibiotic therapy (1,5-2 months) followed with peroral antibiotic therapy (approx. 1 months) even if the CT abnormalities still persist i.e. CT improvement may lag behind clinical improvement. Keywords: Intracranial suppurative collection, contiguous and hematogenous spread, surgical vs. pure medical management
Fahrudin Alic, Aldin Jusic, Hakija Beculic, Nedim Barucija, Enisa Ibrahimagic;suljic. Successful management of subdural intracranial empyema linked with cerebral abscess as a consequence of pansinusitis. Medeniyet Med J. 2018; 33(2): 140-143
Corresponding Author: Fahrudin Alic, Bosnia and Herzegovina |