Intrauterine device in sigmoid colon as an incidental findingZehra Öztürk, Taner Usta, Mustafa Acet, Uğur Ateş, Bilhan SidalS.S.K.B. Gureba Foundation Training and Research Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Istanbul
Intrautreine device is a contraception method which has been used for a long period of time with proved efficacy. Uterine perforation and IUD migration are rare complications of this method. Sigmoid colon is a very rare site for perforation with a few case reports. In this work we report a 38 year old patient with sigmoid perforation of IUD diagnosed as an incidental finding eight years after initial application. Since perforation and migration had occurred without symptoms in our patient, we have tried to highlight the importance of periodic controls in even asymptomatic patients because of the potential complications of perforation such as sepsis and intestinal obstruction. Keywords: Intrauterine device, sigmoid perforation, incidental
Sigmoid kolonda rahim içi aracın insiidental tespitiZehra Öztürk, Taner Usta, Mustafa Acet, Uğur Ateş, Bilhan SidalS.S.K.B. Vakıf Gureba Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Kliniği, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Rahim içi araç, sigmoid perforasyon, insidental
Zehra Öztürk, Taner Usta, Mustafa Acet, Uğur Ateş, Bilhan Sidal. Intrauterine device in sigmoid colon as an incidental finding. Medeniyet Med J. 2010; 25(2): 91-92
Corresponding Author: Zehra Öztürk, Türkiye |