Dissemine Intravasculary Coagulation and Nephritis during Varicella InfectionÖzden Türel, Ebru Bilgiç, Çiğdem Yılmaz, Hüsem Hatipoğlu, Osman Pinçe, Rengin ŞiraneciMaternity and Pediatrics Hospital, Istanbul
Varicella is usually a benign disease of childhood and uneventful recovery is the rule. Complications are related to the immunological status of the patient, an underlying disorder such as chronic dermatological or respiratory disease and immunosuppresive therapy, but healty children can be affectted as well. Most common complications are secondary bacterial infections of the skin. Encephalitis, myocarditis, pancreatitis, bleeding diathesis and nephritis are rarely seen. In this report a five year old preaviously healty and immunologicaly intact patient who developed dissemine intravasculary coagulation and nephritis during varicella infection was presented and prognosis after therapy was evaluated. The patient whose sister had varicella infection 20 days ago has attended to our hospital with hemorhagic mostly crusted skin eruptions disseminated to her whole body. She developed trombocytopenia, necrotic purpura, edema and melena during the disease and fully recovered with early treatment. Keywords: Varicella, child, complication, nephritis, DIC
Suçiçeği İnfeksiyonu Sırasında Dissemine İntravasküler Koagülasyon ve Nefrit GelişimiÖzden Türel, Ebru Bilgiç, Çiğdem Yılmaz, Hüsem Hatipoğlu, Osman Pinçe, Rengin ŞiraneciSSK Bakırköy Doğumevi Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim Hastanesi, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Suçiçeği, çocuk, komplikasyon, nefrit, DIC
Özden Türel, Ebru Bilgiç, Çiğdem Yılmaz, Hüsem Hatipoğlu, Osman Pinçe, Rengin Şiraneci. Dissemine Intravasculary Coagulation and Nephritis during Varicella Infection. Medeniyet Med J. 2004; 19(1): 46-47
Corresponding Author: Özden Türel, Türkiye |