Leg ulcer associated with b-Talassemia intermediaİlkin Zindancı1, Zafer Türkoğlu1, Buket Eskiçırak1, Süleyman Şeker2, Mukaddes Kavala11SSK Goztepe Hospital, Dermatology Clinic, Istanbul 2SSK Goztepe Hospital II. Internal Service, Istanbul
Leg ulcers, cutaneous complications of chronic hemolytic anemias, are seen as well defined recurrent chronic skin lesions healing with scarring more commonly in young adults occuring on or over each of the malleoli. Although the ethiopathogenesis has not been well established, possible relative hypoxia from chronic anemia, changes in hemodinamics caused by orthostatic pressure and bony malleolar prominences exposed to constant trauma are the accused factors. In this report, we present a 37 year old man who had ß-(beta) Thalassemia intermedia with recurrent chronic leg ulcers for 15 years. It is very important to evaluate hematological studies beside the physical examination in leg ulcers of which possibility must be followed for years in patients with chronic anemia. Keywords: b-thalassemia, chronic leg ulcer
b-Talassemi intermedia ile birlikte görülen bacak ülseriİlkin Zindancı1, Zafer Türkoğlu1, Buket Eskiçırak1, Süleyman Şeker2, Mukaddes Kavala11SSK Göztepe Eğitim Hastanesi, Dermatoloji Kliniği, İstanbul 2SSK Göztepe Eğitim Hastanesi Iı. Dahiliye Servisi, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: b-talassemi, kronik bacak ülseri
İlkin Zindancı, Zafer Türkoğlu, Buket Eskiçırak, Süleyman Şeker, Mukaddes Kavala. Leg ulcer associated with b-Talassemia intermedia. Medeniyet Med J. 2004; 19(2): 116-117
Corresponding Author: İlkin Zindancı, Türkiye |