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     ISSN 2149-2042
     e-ISSN 2149-4606
Volume : 39 Issue : 3 Year : 2024

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Renal Abscess [Medeniyet Med J]
Medeniyet Med J. 2004; 19(1): 51-52

Renal Abscess

Hüsem Hatipoğlu, Çiğdem Yılmaz, Seda Yıldırım, Rengin Şiraneci
SSK Bakirkoy Maternity Women's and Children's Health Hospital, Istanbul

Renal and perirenal abscess are rarely observed in childhood. However, they should definitely be kept in mind in differentiating diagnosis of fever, flank and abdominal pain.
A nine year old girl was brought in with complaints of fever, vomiting, abdominal pain nd inability to walk that had been continuing for two weeks. It was found out that the patient had had no health problems prior to this. In physical examination there were no characteristics except for a body temperature of 39.8 degrees and abdominal pain that was more significiant on the left side. Urinary infection was identified during the initial examinations and abdominal ultrasound was performed. A calculus in the left kidney and a mass lower zone were identified. Also MRI was performed and an abscess covering
the lower zone and infiltrating psoas muscle on the left kidney was identified. After a course of 3 week antibiotherapy, the abscess vanished, ut because of the obstructive findings caused bye large sized of calculus, a surgical operation was planned and the patient was directed to the pediatric surgery department.
This case has been presented because it is rarely seen; and the abscess is remedied only by means of antibiotherapy.

Keywords: Renal abscess, child, diagnosis, treatment

Renal Abse

Hüsem Hatipoğlu, Çiğdem Yılmaz, Seda Yıldırım, Rengin Şiraneci
SSK Bakırköy Doğumevi Kadın ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim Hastanesi, İstanbul

Anahtar Kelimeler: Renal abse, çocuk, tanı, tedavi

Hüsem Hatipoğlu, Çiğdem Yılmaz, Seda Yıldırım, Rengin Şiraneci. Renal Abscess. Medeniyet Med J. 2004; 19(1): 51-52

Corresponding Author: Hüsem Hatipoğlu, Türkiye

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