Inflammatory rectal polyp with osseous metaplasiaEbru Zemheri, Mehtap Toprak, Pınar Engin Zerk, Şeyma Özkanlı, Murat MutusIstanbul Medeniyet University, Goztepe Training And Research Hospital, Department Of Pathology
To present a rare case of osseous metaplasia in an inflammatory rectal polyp. A 9-year-old boy admitted to the clinic with a 6 month history of intermittent rectal bleeding that occurred approximately 15 times. An 8 mm polyp in diameter was totally excised from rectal wall. Histologically, elongated, dilated, mucin filled colonic glands were scattered within stroma which was composed of both acute and chronic inflammatory and granulation tissue. In the stroma there was a small focus of new bone formation, which was covered with intact colonic mucosa. We presented an extremely rare case report of a metaplastic bone formation in a rectal inflammatory polyp. Keywords: Rectum, osseous metaplasia, inflammatory polyp
Kemik metaplazisinin eşlik ettiği inflamatuvar rektal polipEbru Zemheri, Mehtap Toprak, Pınar Engin Zerk, Şeyma Özkanlı, Murat MutusIstanbul Medeniyet University, Goztepe Training And Research Hospital, Department Of Pathology
Ender bir olgu olan “inflamatuvar rektal polipte osseöz metaplazi” sunumu. Dokuz yaşında erkek hasta 6 aydır ara ara olan yaklaşık 15 kez yineleyen rektal kanama yakınmasıyla başvurdu. Rektal duvardan 8 mm çapta polip eksize edildi. Histolojik olarak, akut ve kronik inflamasyon ve granülasyon dokusunda oluşan stromada dağınık uzamış, genişlemiş, müsinle dolu kolonik glandlar görüldü. Stromada küçük bir odakta normal kolonik mukoza ile çevrili yeni kemik oluşumu dikkati çekti. Oldukça ender görülen rektal inflamatuvar polipte metaplastik kemik oluşumu olgusu literatür bilgileri ile sunuldu. Anahtar Kelimeler: Rektum, osseöz metaplazi, inflamatuvar polip
Ebru Zemheri, Mehtap Toprak, Pınar Engin Zerk, Şeyma Özkanlı, Murat Mutus. Inflammatory rectal polyp with osseous metaplasia. Medeniyet Med J. 2015; 30(3): 143-146
Corresponding Author: Ebru Zemheri, Türkiye |