Primary Cyst HidatidSezai Demirbaş1, Osman Aktaş1, İbrahim Öğün1, Mehmet Yıldız21Role Military Hospital, General Surgery, Ankara 2GATA Department of General Surgery, Ankara
Hidatid disease has been known since the period when Hippocrate survived. It is fairly common disease in the mediterrenian and middle east countries. Peritoneal echinococcosis is rare even in areas where hydotidosis is endemic. Peritoneal echinococcosis representing uncommon manifestation of disease may be either primary or secondary. It could be pretty serious in cases of cystic processes of unusual origin that may be difficult to diagnose. That means a long lasting multiple cystic process contains certain risk. We report young male having hydatid cyst with unusual location. His presenting symptoms were atypical and discovered accidentaly. It was necessary that CT and abdominal USG in order to diagnose cystic disease in abdominal cavity is employed. The main treatment is surgery with antihelmintic (as albendazole) drug used cyclic or continious regimen in follow up period. The reason for this case presenting symptoms below why it has been made our knowledge on peritoneal hydatidosis updated.
The patient was 26 years old male living in a little town and working for argicultural events. When the patient was examined first time in the clinic we got several symptoms such as stomach ache, weakness, vomiting, which he had experienced for almost one month. In addition the solid mass like 12x7 cm locating from umblicus to his pelvic space in his abdominal cavity was noticed. His blood samples gave us to know that all screening test were normal except SGOT (70 IU/ml) and LDH (246 U/ml) and total IgE more than 10 IU/ml that were increased and eosinophilia in his blood as well. His diagnosis was created after abdominal USG and computed tomography as hidatid cyst.
After diagnosing the mass in his abdominal space as hidatid cyst the assent about the study being held in our clinic on the hydatidosis and the consent form was taken. Cystectomy and partial omentectomy was then employed as his procedure.
There was no problem in his early postoperative period. He has taken Albendozol 800 mg/day/dose since 1st day postoperatively. Syclic drug regimen was employed for him about 4 mounths postoperatively. He was charged in 7th day after surgery with no complication. He came back to be examined in 7th-8th week. Abdominal USG done gave us normal abdominal imaging. In his examination in 1 year after surgery, June 2000, no problem with him was experienced. He has no disease in this particular time process.
As a result EKH disease is rare esthablished in peritoneal space as the cyst with unusual localisation (5-14 %). Firstchoise of treatment should be the surgery resecting them all. Surgery with antihelmintic drugs in cyclic or another regimen has more beneficial than surgery alone. Keywords: Cyst hidatid, extrahepaic localisation, albendazole, cystectomy
Primer İntraabdominal Kist HidatikSezai Demirbaş1, Osman Aktaş1, İbrahim Öğün1, Mehmet Yıldız21Mevki Asker Hastanesi, Genel Cerrahi Servisi, Ankara 2GATA Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, Ankara Anahtar Kelimeler: Kist hidatik, ekstrahepatik yerleşim, albendazol, kistektomi
Sezai Demirbaş, Osman Aktaş, İbrahim Öğün, Mehmet Yıldız. Primary Cyst Hidatid. Medeniyet Med J. 2002; 17(4): 251-253
Corresponding Author: Sezai Demirbaş, Türkiye |