Gianotti-crosti syndrome: A case reportBurçe Can, Mukaddes Kavala, İlkin Zindancı, Emek Kocatürk, Melek KoçGöztepe Eye Hospital Dermatology Clinic, Istanbul
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (GCS) is a distinctive viral exanthem of childhood that is characterized by papular or papulovesicular lesions that are most prominent on the face, buttocks and extremities. It was first reported by Gianotti in 1966. They do not affect the mucous membranes. Although children are predominantly affected, GCS has been observed in adults also. GCS was originally reported to be associated with infection by hepatitis B virus. Many different viral infections including EBV, hepatitis B virus, Coxsackie A virus, parvovirus B19, and parainfluenza virus have been reported associated with this syndrome. Here we report a case of an 15-month-old girl with Gianotti-Crosti syndrome associated with primary Epstein-Barr virus infection. Keywords: EBV infection, Gianotti-Crosti syndrome
Gianotti-crosti sendromuBurçe Can, Mukaddes Kavala, İlkin Zindancı, Emek Kocatürk, Melek KoçGöztepe E.A Hastanesi Dermatoloji Kliniği, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: EBV enfeksiyonu, Gianotti-Crosti sendromu
Burçe Can, Mukaddes Kavala, İlkin Zindancı, Emek Kocatürk, Melek Koç. Gianotti-crosti syndrome: A case report. Medeniyet Med J. 2010; 25(3): 135-137
Corresponding Author: Burçe Can, Türkiye |