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     ISSN 2149-2042
     e-ISSN 2149-4606
Volume : 39 Issue : 3 Year : 2024

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Relationship Between Ascorbic Acid Levels of Plasma/Leucocyte Ascorbic Acid Levels and Iron Loading in Children with Thalassemia Major [Medeniyet Med J]
Medeniyet Med J. 2003; 18(1): 16-19

Relationship Between Ascorbic Acid Levels of Plasma/Leucocyte Ascorbic Acid Levels and Iron Loading in Children with Thalassemia Major

Erdal Ataözden1, Hale Aral2, Arif Kut1, Selma Çekirdek3, Çetin Tamer3
1Göztepe SSK Hospital, Children's Hospital, Istanbul
2SSK Goztepe Hospital, Biochemistry, Istanbul
3Göztepe SSK Hospital, Pediatrics Hematology Unit, Istanbul

We investigated the relationship between iron loading, which causes important complications during transfusion therapy, and plasma and leucocyte ascorbic acid levels. 25 followed patients (13 female, 12 male) and 21 healthy children (10 female, 11 male) were studied. Plasma and leucocyte ascorbic acid levels were measured using the method of dinitrophenyl hydrazine and; serum ferritin levels were measured using the
ELISA method. While for 14 patients, whose leucocyte ascorbic acid levels were within normal range, had serum ferritin mean levels of 1211.94±179.92 ng/ml; for 11 patients, whose leucocyte ascorbic acid levels were lower than the normal range, had serum ferritin mean levels of 1338.22±229.65 ng/ml (p>0.05). Decreasing the plasma and leucocyte ascorbic acid levels, serum ferritin levels were found to increase, but it was not important statistically.

Keywords: Ascorbic acid, thalassemia major, ferritin, DFO

Talasemi Majorlu Çocuklarda Plazma/Lökosit Askorbik Asit Düzeyleri İle Demir Birikimi Arasındaki İlişki

Erdal Ataözden1, Hale Aral2, Arif Kut1, Selma Çekirdek3, Çetin Tamer3
1Göztepe SSK Eğitim Hastanesi, Çocuk Kliniği, İstanbul
2SSK Göztepe Eğitim Hastanesi, Biyokimya Kliniği, İstanbul
3Göztepe SSK Eğitim Hastanesi, Çocuk Kliniği Hematoloji Ünitesi, İstanbul

Transfüzyon tedavisi beraberinde önemli komplikasyonlara yol açan demir birikimi ile, plazma ve lökosit askorbik asit düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ve talasemi tedavisinde askorbik asitin yerini araştırdık. 25 takipli hasta (13 kız, 12 erkek) ve 21 sağlıklı çocuk (10 kız, 11 erkek) çalışmaya alındı. Plazma ve lökosit askorbik asit düzeyleri dinitrofenil hidrazin metodu; serum ferritin düzeyleri EL‹SA metodu ile ölçüldü. Lökosit askorbik asit düzeyleri normal olan 14 hastanın ferritin değerlerinin ortalaması 1211.94±179.92 ng/ml iken, lökosit askorbik asit düzeyi normalin altında olan 11 hastanın ferritin değerlerinin ortalaması 1338.22±229.65 ng/ml idi (p>0.05). Plazma ve lökosit askorbik asit düzeylerinin azalmasıyla birlikte serum ferritin düzeylerinde yükselme gözlendi, ancak bu istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Askorbik asit, talasemi major, ferritin, DFO

Erdal Ataözden, Hale Aral, Arif Kut, Selma Çekirdek, Çetin Tamer. Relationship Between Ascorbic Acid Levels of Plasma/Leucocyte Ascorbic Acid Levels and Iron Loading in Children with Thalassemia Major. Medeniyet Med J. 2003; 18(1): 16-19

Corresponding Author: Erdal Ataözden, Türkiye

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