Extraperitoneal intramuscular cyst hidatid mixing abscess formationSezai Demirbaş, Hüseyin Sinan, Tuncay ÇelenkGATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital, General Surgery Service, Istanbul
Muscular localization of echinococcosis is considered uncommon (1 %). To make a true diagnosis with computerized tomography, ultrasonography and immunologic tests are available. The authors reported here a case of such uncommon hydatid localization. Twenty-one year old male with cystic mass in obturatorius externus muscle extending to skin was admitted. Since the mass was resembled as a cystic lesion with pus with clinical and roentgenographic examination puncture was performed first. When it was realized the cyst be hyatid disease with unusual localization definitive surgical procedure, partial cystectomy+sterilizing the cavity was performed. Then medical treatment with albendazole (800 mg/day) was employed in cyclic use. Preoperative diagnosis imperative to avoid performing the wrong one. Unusual localization in hydatid cyst particularly muscular hydatid disease is rare in our country. But in the masses in atypic localisation determined by US and CT, hydatid disease should be eliminated. The treatment modality is the same as the lesion in liver. Surgical procedure, pericystectomy and medical treatment with Albendazole make the lesion clear. Keywords: Intramuscular, hydatid cyst, albendazole
Abse ile karışan intramüsküler yerleşimli primer kist hidatik olgusuSezai Demirbaş, Hüseyin Sinan, Tuncay ÇelenkGATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi, Genel Cerrahi Servisi, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Kist hidatik, ekstrahepatik yerleşim, inguinal kist hidatik, albendazol
Sezai Demirbaş, Hüseyin Sinan, Tuncay Çelenk. Extraperitoneal intramuscular cyst hidatid mixing abscess formation. Medeniyet Med J. 2004; 19(4): 232-234
Corresponding Author: Sezai Demirbaş, Türkiye |