A Hemochromatosis which Diagnosed by Neurologic SignsSema Akıncı, Bülent AkıncıSSK Ankara Training Hospital 1. Internal Medicine Clinic, Ankara
Hemochromatosis is a disease due to excessive storage of iron in the body that would lead to functional disorders in many organs (liver, pancreas, myocardium, hypophysis etc.). This disease can both be seen as a secondary to excessive ironintake or repeated transfusions, and it can also have primary form inherited autosomal recessive. The primary form of this disease, which has an incidence of % 0.3 in community, is presented with the following case. Keywords: Hemochromatosis, nerologic sign
Nörolojik Tutulum ile Tanı Konulan HemokromatozisSema Akıncı, Bülent AkıncıSSK Ankara Eğitim Hastanesi 1. Dahiliye Kliniği, Ankara Anahtar Kelimeler: Hemokromatozis, nörolojik belirtiler
Sema Akıncı, Bülent Akıncı. A Hemochromatosis which Diagnosed by Neurologic Signs. Medeniyet Med J. 2003; 18(4): 236-237
Corresponding Author: Sema Akıncı, Türkiye |