Traumatic Rupture of Renal Oncocytoma with Acute Abdomen PresentationCanan Çimşit, Hatice Eraslan, Alper HayırlıoğluSSK Goztepe Hospital, Department of Radiology, Istanbul
Oncocytoma, or adenoma with oncocytic features, is a benign neoplasm that is characterized by large cells with small, uniform, round nuclei and an abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm (1,2). Oncocytomas may grow to a size large enough to cause a palpable mass, pain, and hematuria, and these findings lead to an investigation for malignancy of the urinary tract or they may be asymptomatic. Small oncocytomas are often detected as an incidental mass. Althouh most often solitary, multiple and bilateral oncocytomas do occur (3). In this case report, the patient who fell from a height of 3 meters without any previous complaint was evaluated. A renal hemorragic solid mass was found. Postoperative pathologic specimens was found to be a renal oncocytoma. Keywords: Oncocytoma, incidental, hemorragic
Post-Travmatik Akut Batın Tablosu ile Ortaya Çıkan Renal Onkositoma RüptürüCanan Çimşit, Hatice Eraslan, Alper HayırlıoğluGöztepe SSK Eğitim Hastanesi, Radyoloji Kliniği, İstanbul Anahtar Kelimeler: Onkositoma, insidental, hemorajik
Canan Çimşit, Hatice Eraslan, Alper Hayırlıoğlu. Traumatic Rupture of Renal Oncocytoma with Acute Abdomen Presentation. Medeniyet Med J. 2002; 17(4): 243-244
Corresponding Author: Canan Çimşit, Türkiye |