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Volume : 39 Issue : 4 Year : 2024

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Medeniyet Med J: 33 (4)
Volume: 33  Issue: 4 - 2018
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Pages II - VI

3.Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in hypothyroid patients under Levothyroxine therapy
Mumtaz Takir, Muhammed Kizilgul
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.02700  Pages 257 - 262

4.Foot Pain Frequently Associated with Vitamin D Deficiency: Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome
Engin Eceviz, Hüseyin Bilgehan Çevik, Özgür Baysal, Güven Bulut, Deniz Gülabi, Gültekin Sıtkı Çeçen
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.11298  Pages 263 - 268

5.Comparision of toric intraocular lens implantation, limbal relaxing incisions and opposite clear corneal incision for management of co-existing astigmatism on cataract surgery.
Işılay Özsoy Koyun, Hacı Uğur Çelik, Hüseyin Bayramlar, Efe Koyun
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.16362  Pages 269 - 277

6.Effects of significant weight loss following bariatric surgery on red cell distribution width and mean platelet volume
Cihan Altın, Varlık Erol, Mustafa Yılmaz, Yusuf Bozkuş, Haldun Müderrisoğlu
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.16442  Pages 278 - 284

7.The importance of follow-up gastroscopy in patients with perforated peptic ulcer
Okan Murat Aktürk, Mikail Çakır, Doğan Yıldırım
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.21347  Pages 285 - 290

8.Topographic and refractive findings in osteogenesis imperfecta
Işılay Özsoy Koyun, Aylin Ardagil Akçakaya, Burak Şimşek, Ayla Güven, Efe Koyun
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.52385  Pages 291 - 295

9.Seasonal Variability of Serum 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D Levels in the adult population living in Bilecik Province: A Follow-up Study from Turkey
Saadet Çelik, Mehmet Çelik, Mümtaz Takır
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.62347  Pages 296 - 299

10.The carotid intima media thickness in coal miners
Emine Altuntaş, Emine Gencer, Hümeyra Çiçekler, Emek Tolga Işıldak
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.64436  Pages 300 - 306

11.Ablation of Supraventricular Tachycardia in Children Using a Limited Fluoroscopy Approach with the Electro-Anatomical System Guidance
Özlem Elkıran, Celal Akdeniz, Volkan Tuzcu
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.65982  Pages 307 - 313

12.The Association Between ABO, Rh Blood Types and Eating Behaviour
Serpil Çeçen, Canan Eren
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.73558  Pages 314 - 319

13.Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio In Stroke Patients And Its Relation With Functional Recovery
Gönül Vural, Şadiye Gümüşyayla, Gülsüm Akdeniz
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.83097  Pages 320 - 325

14.Idiopathic anaphylaxis: Diagnosis and Treatment.
Öner Özdemir
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.89847  Pages 326 - 335

15.Approach for recurrent thyroid carcinoma with a clavicle osteotomy
Norhafiza Mat Lazim, Baharudin Abdullah, Wan Faisham Numan Wan Ismail
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.01205  Pages 336 - 341

16.Traumatic acute appendicitis: A case report
Banu Karapolat, Hatice Kucuk
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.36048  Pages 342 - 345

17.Two newborn case reports diagnosed as Walker Warburg Syndrome
Selma Aktaş, Tuba Leman Karakurt, Kürşad Aydın, Esra Önal
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.45556  Pages 346 - 351

18.A rare cause of chest pain in childhood: Atrial myxoma
Yasemin Mocan Çağlar, Aslı Nur Ören, Yusuf İzzet Ayhan, Öykü Tosun
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.54037  Pages 352 - 354

19.Animal-type melanoma: an unusual variant of human melanoma with prominent pigment synthesis and unpredictable course
Luca Roncati, Francesco Piscioli
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.45452  Pages 355 - 356
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