Volume : 39 Issue : 4 Year : 2024

Medeniyet Med J: 23 (3)Volume: 23 Issue: 3 - 2008 |
Show Abstracts | << Back | REVIEW |
1. | Premenstrual Syndrome Necdet Süer Pages 76 - 80
2. | The comparison of the biochemical analyses of pleural fluid in tuberculosis and parapneumonic effusions Tanseli Gönlügür, Uğur Gönlügür Pages 81 - 84
3. | Effect of clonidine on middle cerebral artery flow velocity and cerebrovascular CO2 response during sevoflurane anesthesia Levent Şahin, Mehrican Şahin, Sibel Oba, Tayfun Aydın, Yunus Aydın Pages 85 - 89
4. | The association of Sjögren’s sydrome and primary biliary cirrhosis Hüseyin Çat, Fatih Bulut, Nurhan Şahin Erdoğan, Erhan Üzülmez Pages 90 - 92
5. | Benign symmetric lipomatosis: A case report Burçe Can, İlkin Zindancı, Sibel Südoğan, Melek Koç, Zafer Türkoğlu, Mukaddes Kavala Pages 93 - 94
6. | Hepatobiliary insufficiency-candidate of transplantation newborns and anesthesia (Two Cases) Tülin Öztürk, Selçuk Bulut, Verda Toprak, Gönül Tezcan Keleş Pages 95 - 99
7. | Primary chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis of humerus: A case report Bilgehan Tosun, Ümit Gök, Alptekin Tosun, Levent Buluç Pages 100 - 102
8. | A primary cyst hidatid on adductor region of upper thigh misdiagnosed a lipoma by MRI Serdar Toker, Volkan Kılınçoğlu, Melih Güven, Korhan Özkan, Cem Algın Pages 103 - 105
9. | Lung hypoplasia and deformity of chest wall associated with Down Syndrome: A rare case report Alper Avcı, Menduh Oruç, Halit Akbaş, Şevval Eren Pages 106 - 108