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Volume : 39 Issue : 3 Year : 2024

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Medeniyet Med J: 24 (1)
Volume: 24  Issue: 1 - 2009
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1.The impact of nutrients and nutrition in dermatology
Mukaddes Kavala, İlkin Zindancı, Emek Kocatürk Göncü
Pages 4 - 8
Derinin yapısı ve fonksiyonları çevresel ve endojen faktörlerden etkilenerek fotoyaşlanmaya, inflamasyona, immun disfonksiyona, epidermal homeostazın bozulmasına ve deri hastalıklarına neden olur. Bazı yiyeceklerin ve ek besinlerin diyetle
alınmasının ultraviyole ışınlarına, immun yapıya ve bazı hastalıklara karşı koruyucu etki sağladığı gösterilmiştir. Bu derlemede vitaminlerin, karotenoidlerin, doymamış yağ asitlerinin
ve bitkisel antioksidanların deri değişikliklerini önlemedeki etkileri özetlenmiştir.
Skin condition and functioning are affected by environmental and endogenous factors leading to photoaging, inflammation, immune dysfunction, imbalanced epidermal homeostasis and skin disorders. Dietary consumption of specific foods and supplements was shown to provide protection against ultraviolet light, immune status and some skin disorders. In this review, we summarize the effects of vitamins, carotenoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and botanical antioxidants in the prevention of skin alterations.

2.Regulation of sleep and nutrition
Makbule Gezmen Karadağ, Meral Aksoy
Pages 9 - 15
Uyku, oldukça kompleks ve mekanizması net olarak çözülmemiş karmaşık bir durumdur. Gece/gündüz uyunmasına ve yaşamın 1/3’ünün uykuyla geçmesine rağmen hala uykunun moleküler mekanizmasıyla ve uyku/uyanıklık regülasyonuyla ilgili bilinmeyenler vardır. Uyku zamanlamasının, süresinin ve yoğunluğunun belirlenmesinde çeşitli etkenler söz konusudur. Bu etkenler arasında; nöropeptitler ve beslenme yer almaktadır. Yapılan çalışmalarda diyetle alınan karbonhidrat, protein ve bazı elzem yağ asitlerinin uyku regülasyonunda etkisi olduğu kanıtlanmıştır.
Sleep is a highly complex state that remains as one of the great mysteries in neuroscience. Althought sleep/wake cycles are repeated every day and night and almost one-third of our lifetime is spent sleeping, the molecular mechanisms of sleep wake regulation have remained little understood. There are some factors for determining the time, duration and intensity of sleep. Among these factors; neuropeptides and nutrition intensified recently. Some experimental evidence indicates dietary intake of carbohydrate, protein and some essential fatty acids are probably sleep regulating substances.

3.Evaluation of open bancard repair results in anterior shoulder instability
Hüseyin Özkan, Mustafa Kürklü, Serkan Bilgiç, Yüksel Yurttaş, Volkan Kılınçoğlu, Serdar Toker, Cemil Yıldız, Mahmut Kömürcü, İbrahim Yanmış, Sabri Ateşalp, Mustafa Başbozkurt
Pages 16 - 21
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Glenohumeral instabilite teşhisi konularak, açık cerrahi ile bankart tamiri yapılan hastaların cerrahi yöntem ve klinik sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.

YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Omuz instabilite tanısı ile 92 hastaya GATA ortopedi kliniğinde, sütur ankorlar kullanılarak açık Bankart tamiri uyguladık. Altı aylık rehablitasyonunu tamamlamış ve takipleri tam olarak yapılabilen toplam 68 hastanın fizik muayeneleri yapılmış ve son radyografileri değerlendirilmiştir. Hastaların hepsi erkekti. Hastaların cerrahi sırasındaki ortalama yaşı 24.55 (19-35) di. İlk çıkık yaşı değerlendirildiğinde 68 hastanın 42'sinde 20 yaşın altında, 25'inde 20 ile 30 yaş arasında, 1'inde ise 30 ile 40 yaşlan arasında ilk çıkık öyküsü vardı. İlk çıkık yaşı ortalama 19.5, çıkık sayısı ortalama 20.7 idi. Cerrahi sonrası ortalama takip süresi 30.7 (6-52) aydı.
BULGULAR: Hiç bir hastada rekürrens görülmedi. Olguların ortalama Rowe skoru 95.5 ti (80-100). Rowe’un bankart skorlamasına göre 60 hastada (% 88.2) mükemmel sonuç, 8 hastada (% 11.8) iyi sonuç elde edildi. Hiç bir hastada rekürrens ve başarısız sonuç yoktu. 13 hastamızda ortalama dış rotasyon kaybımız 7.46 0 idi.
TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Glenohumeral instabilite tedavisinde amaç glenohumeral eklem hareketini kısıtlamadan instabilitenin önlenmesidir. Bu açıdan bakıldığında Bankart tekniği uygun bir tekniktir.

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the open surgical technique and clinical outcomes of the bankart repair for glenohumeral instability.
METHODS: Open Bancard repair by suture anchore tecnique was performed to 92 patients having glenohumeral instability. The patients who had completed the rehabilitation
lasting 6 months have been included in this study. Twenty-four of the 92 patients were excluded because of various reasons like inadequate follow up etc. Sixty-eight patients
who have completed the six weeks physiotherapy programme made the study group. All patients were male with a mean-age 24.55 at the time of surgery. The mean age of the
first dislocation was 19.5, and the mean number of the dislocation was 20.7. The mean follow-up time was 30.7 (6-52) month.
RESULTS: There was no recurrence in any patients. The mean Rowe score of the cases were 95.5 (80-100). By means of the Rowe score, excellent results in 60 patients (88.2 %) and good
results in 8 (11.8 %) patients were obtained. We faced no failure as there was no recurrence in any patients.The mean external rotation decrease was 7.46 0.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The aim at the treatment of the glenohumeral instability is that the instabilitation is prevented without limiting the motion of the glenohumeral joint. From this point of view, Bankart technique is one of the most appropriate technique.

4.Analysing of clinical-demographic characteristics in patients of myocardial infarction
Fatma Alibaz Öner, Zeynep Gürcan, Selen Yurdakul, Şükran Türkeş, Mustafa Kemal Arslantaş, Mecdi Ergüney
Pages 22 - 25
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: İstanbul Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi Koroner Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Ocak 2003-Aralık 2003 arasında Akut miyokard infarktüsü tanısıyla yatırılarak tedavi edilen 92 hastanın klinik, demografik özellikleri, uygulanan tedaviler, komplikasyonlar ve hastane içi mortalite oranlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: 92 hastanın kayıtları geriye dönük incelendi.
BULGULAR: 92 hastanın yaş ortalaması 58.1±10.14 idi. Hastaların 73 (% 79.3)‘ü erkek, 19 (% 20.6)’u bayan idi. 8 (% 9) hastada ST elevasyonsuz miyokard infarktüsü, 84 (% 91) hastada ST elevasyonlu miyokard infarktüsü tespit edildi. 17 (%18.4) hastada yatışı sırasında ölüm gerçekleşmiş, bunların 11 (% 64.7)’i ilk 24 saatte, 6 (% 35.3) taneside 24 saatten sonra gerçekleşmiştir. Hastane için mortalite 65 yaş üstünde daha fazladır (p=0,01). 41 hastaya (% 45) trombolitik tedavi uygulanmış, 51 (% 65)’ine hastaneye geç ulaşmaları yada kontrendikasyon bulunması nedeniyle trombolitik uygulanmamıştır. Trombolitik uygulanan hastalarda mortalite anlamlı derecede düşüktür (p: 0.045). 75 hasta kardiyoloji poliklinik kontrolü önerilerek taburcu edilmiştir.

TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Kardiyovasküler ölümler mortalitenin en sık sebebi olmasına karşın, ülkemizde akut koroner sendromlarda girişim yapabilecek merkez sayısı azdır. Bu durum merkezimiz gibi trombolitik tedavi yapan merkezlerin önemini arttırmaktadır. Çalışmamızda hastaların önemli bir kısmına hastaneye
geç başvurmaları nedeniyle trombolitik uygulanamamıştır. Hastane içi mortalite trombolitik uygulananlarda anlamlı derecede düşüktür. Bu nedenle toplumun doğru bilgilendirilerek hastaneye erken başvurulması sağlanmalıdır.

INTRODUCTION: The study was aimed to examine clinical and demographic characteristics, therapeutic interventions, complications, in-hospital mortality of 92 patients hospitalized for
acute myocardial infarction between January 2003-December 2003 in Coronary Intensive Care Unit of Istanbul Education Research Hospital.
METHODS: Records of 92 patients were reviewed retrospectively.
RESULTS: Mean age of 92 patients was 58.1±10.14 years. Seventy-three (79.3 %) of the patients were male and 19 (20.6%) were female. Non-ST elevation myocard infarction was found
in 8 (9 %) patients and ST-elevation myocard infarction in 84 (91 %). Seventeen patients (18.4 %) died at admission, with 11 of them (64.7 %) dying within 24 hours and 6 dying later than the first 24 hours. In-hospital mortality was higher among those elder than 65 years old (P=0.01). Forty one (4
%) patients received thrombolytic treatment and 51 (65 %) did not due to reaching to the hospital lately or several counter indication. In-hospital mortality rate is significantly lower
in patients receiving thrombolitic (p=0.045). Seventy-five patients were discharged, with a recommendation of cardiologic outpatient follow-up.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Although cardiovascular death is the most common cause of death, a few centers in our country are able to
perform interventions in acute coronary syndromes. This increases the importance of centers performing thrombolytic treatment such as our one. In the current study, a substantial proportion of patients did not receive thrombolytic treatment due to delayed admission to the hospital. Although no significant difference existed between groups receiving and not receiving thrombolytic treatment in our center, in-hospital mortality was significantly lower among those receiving thrombolytic treatment. Hence, the community should be appropriately informed to allow the early admission to the hospital

5.Evaluation of results of correction with transpedicular screw in idiopathic scoliosis
Halil Çanakçı, Serdar Toker, Volkan Kılınçoğlu, Serkan Bilgiç, Yüksel Yurttaş, Mustafa Kürklü, Mustafa Baltacı, Ali Okur
Pages 26 - 31
GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: İdiyopatik skolyozlu hastalarda transpediküler vida yöntemi ile tedavi sonuçlarının geriye dönük olarak incelenmesi.

YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: İdiyopatik skolyoz nedeniyle transpediküler vida yöntemi tedavi edilen 25 hastanın (13 kız, ortalama yaş 14.2 yıl, dağılım 10-21: 12 erkek, ortalama yaş 16.7 yıl, dağılım 11-30) korreksiyon sonuçları geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların postoperatif birinci, üçüncü, altıncı ve 12. aylarda ve takip eden sürelerde yıllık kontrolleri yapıldı. Klinik gözlemin yanı sıra, hastalar ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası cobb açıları ve korreksiyon oranları belirlenerek radyolojik
olarak değerlendirildi. Radyolojik olarak iskelet sisteminin matüritesi risser sınışamasına göre yapıldı. Hastalar ortalama 20.6 ay (dağılım 3-50 ay) takip edildi.

BULGULAR: Başvuru anındaki eğriliklere göre yedi vakanın jüvenil idiyopatik skolyoz, 18 vakanın adolesan idiyopatik skolyoz olduğu tespit edildi. Olgularımız arasında infantil idiyopatik skolyoza rastlanmadı. Matürite açısından yapılan klinik değerlendirmede 20 vakanın sekonder seks karaktelerinin belirmiş olduğu görüldü. Olguların ameliyat öncesi ortalama Risser sınışaması 2.9 olarak bulundu. Ameliyattan önce frontal planda cobb yöntemine göre ölçülen eğrilikler ortalama 55.5 derece (dağılım 15-90 derece), lateral bending grafilerinde cobb açıları ortalama 28 derece (dağılım 8-60 derece) ve fleksibilite oranları % 51 (dağılım % 20-80) olarak tespit edildi. Ameliyat sonrası ise cobb açısı 18.4 derece (dağılım 3-50 derece), korreksiyon oranı % 69 (dağılım % 33.3-94) olarak
bulundu. Son kontrollerde yapılan ölçümlerde ise cobb açısı 19.2 derece (dağılım 3-52 derece), korreksiyon kaybı ise % 1.2 (% 1-3) olarak tespit edildi.

TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: İdiyopatik skolyoz tedavisinde pedikül vidası kullanılarak yapılan düzeltme, klinik ve radyolojik olarak iyi sonuçlara sahiptir. Pedikül vidası ile düzeltmelerde komplikasyon oranının düşük olması güvenilir bir metod olduğunu düşündürmektedir.
INTRODUCTION: To evaluate the results of treatment in patients with idiopathic scoliosis treated by transpedicular screw tecnique retrospectively.
METHODS: The correction results of 25 patients (13 female, mean age 14,2 years range 10-21; 12 males, mean
age 16.7 years, range: 11-30) who were treated with transpedicular screw due to idiopathic scoliosis were evaluated retrospectively. Patients were controlled in 1st, 3rd, 6th and 12th month postoperatively and clinical and radiological findings were recorded. Preoperative and postoperative cobb angles were measured for calculating the correction rates.
RESULTS: Seven of patients had juvenile idiopathic scoliosis while 18 had adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. There was no infantile idiopathic scoliosis among our patients. Regarding maturity, 20 patients had evident secondary sex characteristics. Skeletal maturity was evaluated by Risser classification.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Preoperatively, the mean deformity angle in frontal plane according to cobb tecnique was 55.50 (150-900), 280 (80-600) in lateral bending graphies and rates of flexibility was 51 % (20-80 %). Postoperatively, the mean cobb angle was 18.40 (30-500), the correction rate was 69 % (33.3-94%). In the controls, the cobb angle was 19.20 (30-520) and the loss of correction was 1.2 % (1-3 %)

6.Does acute checystitis be a complication of acute pyelonephritis?
Abdulkadir Küçükbayrak, Keziban Demirli, Davut Özdemir, Burhan Yazıcı, Ali Kayıkçı, İsmet Özaydın
Pages 32 - 34
Urinary tract infections are one of the most common infections in outpatient. Acute pyelonephritis is an upper urinary tract infection. Infections of the biliary tract are most often associated with obstruction to the flow of bile. Twenty-four years old female patient admitted to emergency clinic with complaints of fever, chill, shivering, myalgia, arthralgia, nausea, vomitting and right sided abdominal pain. In her past medical history, there was no disease other than nephrolithiasis. In her vital signs, body temperature was 39.8°C. In physical examination, there were pain at deep palpation of right upper quadrant of abdomen and right costovertebral angle.Also, there was Murphy sign. Other system examination was normal. At the admission time, in laboratory examination;
white blood count was 15.270/mm3 with 90 % of neutrophile. Microscobic examination of urine showed puyuria. Abdominal ultrasound revealed edema and thickening of fundus (5.3 mm) of gall bladder and dilatation of right proximal urether and mucosal edema of right renal pelvis and proximal urether. Abdominal computerize tomography showed 2x2.5x5 cm hypodense lesion with irregular border at the cortical region of the middle zone of right kidney and hypodense effussion around the gall bladder. With the diagnosis of pyelonephritis, renal abscess and acute cholecystitis treatment of ceftriaxone
2x1 gr/day and ornidasole 2x500 mg/day was given for 3 weeks. There were no other complaints in 6 months of follow.

7.Volvulus of the transverse colon: A rare cause of intestinal obstruction
Oktay Yener, Gökhan Demiral, Fikret Aksoy, Canan Erengül
Pages 35 - 37
This is a case report of a patient with a transverse colon volvulus and acute obstruction of the large intestine. A case is presented with emphasis on incidence, predisposing factors,
clinical presentation and radiologic examination. Volvulus of the transverse colon continues to be relatively rare medical problem and is infrequently included in the differential diagnosis
of the acute abdomene.

8.An antenatal osteogenezis imperfekta tip 2 case: Case Report
Mustafa Kara, Ercan Yılmaz, A. Hulusi Tekşen
Pages 38 - 40
INTRODUCTION: We aimed a patient whose detected Osteogenezis İmperfekta Tip 2 in antenatal period, to discuss a case report.
METHODS: A patient who is 24 years old and whose pregnancy is detected, osteogenezis İmperfekta Tip 2 in 30. pregnancy weeks had amniosynthesis and after the completion of the molecular tests the patient is included the study.
RESULTS: Ağrı Maternity and Children Hospital.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Osteogenezis İmperfekta Tip 2 is diagnosed that diminishing of calvarium mineralisation, flattening profile and fractures of the long bones since the 20. Pregnancy weeks
and because of pairing chromosomal abnormalities and structural deformities this event results exitus intrauterin or neonatally.

9.A fetal megasistis case which is detected in second trimester of pregnancy
Mustafa Kara, Ercan Yılmaz, A. Hulusi Tekşen
Pages 41 - 42
We aimed a patient whose detected fetal megasistis in antenatal period,to discuss a case report. A patient who is 39 years old and whose pregnancy is detected fetal megasistis in
28.pregnancy weeks did not accept amniosynthesis and her pregnancy is resulted intrauterin exitus in 30. pregnancy weeks. Fetal Megasistis is diagnosed that fetal bladder longitudinal
diameter>7 mm between 10-14 pregnancy weeks and because of pairing chromosomal abnormalities and structural deformities this event results exitus intrauterin or neonatally.

10.Evans syndrome: A case report
Mustafa Taşkesen, Nilüfer Okur, Nurettin Okur, Murat Söker
Pages 43 - 45
Evans syndrome is rare and characterized with autoimmun thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia. Etiology is unknown. The patients may apply with different clinical findings. Seven years old boy was refered for fever, abdominal pain and epistaxis. In physical examination pallor and hepatosplenomegaly were detected. In laboratory anemia, thrombocytopenia, insufficient of thrombocytes and hemolysis in periferic blood smear, high lactic dehydrogenase, low haptoglobulin, increased reticulocyte count were found and Direct Coombs test were positive. Hypercellularity, increased erytroid series and megacaryocytes were determined in bone marrow examination. Erythrocyte suspension and intravenous immunglobulin were used for treatment. In 12 days follow-up hemoglobine level and platelet count were in normal limits and patient was discharged
succesfully. The patient had no symptoms and normal laboratory findings two months later. The aim of this case report is evaluation of clinical and laboratory features of Evans

11.Cardiac hydatid cyst: A case report
Özlem Zeynep Gürbüz, Fatma Alibaz Öner, Işıl Uzunhasan, Mecdi Ergüney
Pages 46 - 48
Hydatid cyst is a zoonosis caused by echinococcos granulosis. Incidence of the disease varies between 5 to 20 in 100 000 in most countries. Cardiac hydatid cysts are rare and comprise 0,5 to 2 % of all hydatid cyst cases. The most frequent location is the free wall of left ventricle and interventriculer septum. A hydatid cyst localized at the apex of left ventricle is an extremely rare occasion. Most of the patients with cardiac hydati-dosis are asymptomatic. We present a case of cardiac hydatid cyst localized at the left ventriculer apex who presented
with atrial fibrillation (AF) and symptoms of heart failure(HF). Hydatid cyst must be considered absolutely in the differantial diagnosis of cardiac cysts.


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