Volume : 39 Issue : 4 Year : 2024

Medeniyet Med J: 29 (4)Volume: 29 Issue: 4 - 2014 |
Show Abstracts | << Back | CLINICAL RESEARCH |
1. | An effective and practical option of eyelid reconstruction: Paranasal flap Gökhan Temiz, Mustafa Karaca, Gaye Taylan Filinte, Şener Küçük, Caner Kaçmaz, Hakan Demirel doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.209 Pages 209 - 213
2. | Clinical and surgical approach to cases with adnexal torsion Elif Cansu Gündoğdu, M. Üner Karacaoğlu, Eylem Odacılar, Hüseyin Dayan, Gülümser Ece Aksakal doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.214 Pages 214 - 218
3. | Extended spectrum b-lactamase and antibiotic suspectibility of Escherichia coli grown in urinary isolates Arzu Doğru, Ayşe Canan Üçışık, Fatma Sargın, Özlem Aydın, Pınar Ergen, Elif Tükenmez Tigen doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.219 Pages 219 - 224
4. | Who treats the patients of low back pain? Feyza Ünlü Özkan, Duygu Geler Külcü, İlknur Aktaş, Pınar Akpınar, Cem Nazikoğlu doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.225 Pages 225 - 229
5. | Motorcycle injuries in orthopaedics and traumatology; risk factors, types of trauma and hospital cost Esat Uygur, Ömer Kays Ünal, İrfan Esenkaya, Bahattin Kemah, Hüseyin Başaran doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.230 Pages 230 - 235
6. | Urinary incontinence used in the evaluation of patients with an important parameter: Quality of life Handan Özcan, Nezihe Kızılkaya Beji doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.236 Pages 236 - 238
7. | A giant pedunculated fibroma of labia majora: A case report Fatma Çetin Pelit, Eyyup Sabri Pelit doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.239 Pages 239 - 241
8. | A patient with Prinzmetal’s angina presenting with acute myocardial infarction: A case report Hüseyin Ayhan, Tahir Durmaz, Telat Keleş, Hacı Ahmet Kasapkara, Abdullah Nabi Aslan, Cenk Sarı, Serdal Baştuğ, Engin Bozkurt doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.242 Pages 242 - 246
9. | Papillary uroepithelial neoplasia: Case report Neslihan Gülçin, Murat Mutuş, Ali İhsan Anadolulu, Abdullah Aydın, Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa, Hamit Okur doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.247 Pages 247 - 249
10. | Obturator hernia: Supremacy of CT over clinical findings Ercan Ayaz, Murat Aşık, Beyhan Önder, Murat Acar doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.250 Pages 250 - 253
11. | A rare cause of peripheral facial paralysis: Pontocerebellar angle meningioma F. Rüya Tunçtürk, M. Tayyar Kalcıoğlu, Mine Önenerk, Metin Orakdöğen, Çağlayan Yavuz doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2014.254 Pages 254 - 257