Volume : 39 Issue : 4 Year : 2024

Medeniyet Med J: 28 (4)Volume: 28 Issue: 4 - 2013 |
Show Abstracts | << Back | REVIEW |
1. | Evidence based symptoms management in menopause Handan Özcan, Ümran Oskay doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.157 Pages 157 - 163
2. | Herbs and drug interactions Makbule Gezmen Karadağ, Duygu Türközü, Didem Topağaç Kapucu doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.164 Pages 164 - 170
3. | Evaluation of frequency and regularity of application of routine, and other vaccines in children consulted to the outpatient clinics of healthy child Mehmet Bülbül, Müferet Ergüven, Olcay Yasa, Neşe Akcan Tombalak doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.171 Pages 171 - 178
4. | Evaluation of the relationship between isolated hyperlipidemia and QT dispersion Umut Kasapoğlu, Hilmi Çiftçi doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.179 Pages 179 - 185
5. | Reliability of long cannula usage in patients under home oxygen therapy with concentrator Elif Tanrıverdi, Hatice Canan Hasanoğlu doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.186 Pages 186 - 193
6. | Pure tone audiometry and otoacoustic emissions in hypertensive subjects Deniz Korkmaz, Mehmet Habeşoğlu, Aslı Şahin Yılmaz, Ahmet Karaaslan, Ahmet Tosun, Çağatay Oysu doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.194 Pages 194 - 197
7. | Evaluation of thoracic manifestations of breast cancer İpek Özmen, Tülay Törün, Güliz Ataç, Emine Aksoy, Gülbanu Horzum, Yasemin Bölükbaşı, Haluk Çalışır, Kemal Tahaoğlu doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.198 Pages 198 - 203
8. | Evaluation of rutine radiographical necessity according to Ottawa rules in patients with ankle trauma Umut Yavuz, Sami Sökücü, Bilal Demir, Merter Yalçınkaya, Engin Çetinkaya, Mehmet Coşkun, Yavuz Kabukçuoğlu doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.204 Pages 204 - 208
9. | Pancoast tumor in an operated patient with the diagnosis of the ulnar nerve entrapment: Case report Selin Turan Turgut, Bekir Turgut, Özge Ünal Bayraktar, Afitap İçağasıoğlu, Tülin Kuyucu doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.209 Pages 209 - 212
10. | A rare foreign body in the stomach: A case report Barış Gültürk, Ahmet Bozdağ, Burhan Hakan Kanat, Mustafa Girgin, Umut Gülaçtı doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.213 Pages 213 - 215
11. | Bronchogenic cysts: A report of two cases Esra Akkütük Öngel, Gülbanu Horzum Ekinci, Ece Çelik, Osman Hacıömeroğlu, Güven Bektemur, Murat Kavas, Adnan Yılmaz doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.216 Pages 216 - 219
12. | Aplasia cutis congenita and limb anomaly: A case of non-scalp lesion Ali Karaman, Hasan Kahveci, Ebru Kaçmaz, Sebahattin Ataoğlu doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.220 Pages 220 - 223
13. | Adult acute disseminated encephalomyelitis: Case report Fatma Sarı Doğan, Onur İncealtın, Aykut Yüksel, Behçet Varışlı, Münevver Okay, İlknur Cantürk Aydın, Nihal Işık doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.224 Pages 224 - 227
14. | Abdominal wall endometriosis after cesarean section: Case report Semra Kayataş, Ebru Çöğendez, Sevcan Arzu Arınkan, Hasan Yavuz, Ecmel Kaygusuz doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.228 Pages 228 - 232
15. | Laparoscopic removal of extrauterine intrauterine device found in the broad ligament: A case report Berna Dilbaz, Özlem Şengül doi: 10.5222/J.GOZTEPETRH.2013.233 Pages 233 - 235