Most Accessed Articles |
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1. | Fatal Tinnitus; An Unusual Initial Presentation for Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Su Ying Tan, Masaany Mansor, Jennifer Peak Hui Lee, Zainal Azmi Zainal Abidin doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2019.78095 2019; 34 - 1 | Pages 107 - 112
2. | Spot urine protein/creatinine ratio is associated with 24-hour proteinuria and serum albumin Özlem Alkan, Abdullah Özkök, Hande Özportakal, Ahmet Sait Bulut, Ferruh İşman, Ali Rıza Odabaş doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.241 2016; 31 - 4 | Pages 241 - 244
3. | Neuro-Ophthalmological Emergencies Tuba Çelik, Ayşe Çevik doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.287 2016; 31 - 4 | Pages 287 - 295
4. | Vulvar lipoma: a rare localization of a lipoma İpek Ulu, Yasemin Çekmez, Mehmet Serdar Gülşen doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.1002 2016; 31 - 2 | Pages 138 - 139
5. | Molecular Detection of alpha Thalassemia: A Review of Prevalent Techniques Divashini Vijian, Wan Suriana Wan Ab Rahman, Kannan Thirumulu Ponnuraj, Zefarina Zulkafli, Noor Haslina Mohd Noor doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2021.14603 2021; 36 - 3 | Pages 257 - 269
6. | Wide Band Acoustic İmmitancemetry Birgül Gümüş, Merve Torun Topçu doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.98475 2018; 33 - 2 | Pages 126 - 131
7. | Experimental models of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Mehmet Çınar, Özlem Gün Eryılmaz doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.053 2016; 31 - 1 | Pages 53 - 57
8. | Recent Advances on Medical Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Tuba Çelik doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.128 2016; 31 - 2 | Pages 128 - 133
9. | Pott’s Puffy tumor and intracranial complication developing secondary to acute frontal sinusitis: A case report Tuba Bayındır, Çiğdem Fırat, Ali Özerk, Zeynep Özdemir, Namık Öztanır doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.307 2016; 31 - 4 | Pages 307 - 310
10. | Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors with MRI and Diffusion Weighted Imaging Umut Perçem Orhan Söylemez, Basak Atalay doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2021.84666 2021; 36 - 2 | Pages 138 - 145
11. | Complications of Otitis Media Mehmet Sürmeli, İldem Deveci, Ayşe Aslı Şahin Yılmaz, Mustafa Salih Canpolat, Serap Önder, Çağatay Oysu doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.110 2016; 31 - 2 | Pages 110 - 114
12. | Evaluation of the accompanying symptoms and results of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory of patients presenting with complaint of vertigo Banu Müjdeci, Hüseyin Dere doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.094 2016; 31 - 2 | Pages 94 - 97
13. | Machine Learning-based Prediction of HBV-related Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Detection of Key Candidate Biomarkers Zeynep KUCUKAKCALI, Sami AKBULUT, Cemil COLAK doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.39049 2022; 37 - 3 | Pages 255 - 263
14. | Evaluation of In Situ Gel Containing Pycnogenol for Cutaneous Wound Healing Mehmet Evren Okur, Şule Ayla, Şebnem Batur, Ayşegül Yoltaş, Ecem Genç, Sinem Pertek, Neslihan Üstündağ Okur doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2019.29053 2019; 34 - 1 | Pages 67 - 75
15. | Masked Hypertension Feyza Aksu, Nurşen Keleş, Yusuf Yılmaz, Kenan Demircioğlu, Mustafa Çalışkan doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.122 2016; 31 - 2 | Pages 122 - 127
16. | Condyloma Acuminata of the Urinary Bladder; A Rare Case Report Caner Ediz, Ayşe Nur İhvan, Oğuzhan Gündüz, Hakan Remzi Dinçer doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.226 2016; 31 - 3 | Pages 226 - 229
17. | A diagnosis which should not be forgotten in physiatry practice: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Kerem Alptekin, Demirhan Dıraçoğlu doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.065 2016; 31 - 1 | Pages 65 - 68
18. | Effects of Anthropometric Measurements on Spinal Anaesthesia Block Characteristics and Hemodynamics Pınar Karaca Baysal, Birzat Emre Gölboyu, Mürsel Ekinci, Mahmut Güden, Ali Ahiskalioğlu, Erkan Cem Çelik doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.023 2016; 31 - 1 | Pages 23 - 31
19. | Human Chıtınase-3-Lıke Protein: A Pathogenic Role In Recurrent Implantatıon Faılure ( RIF )? Yaprak Engin Üstün, Ayse Seval Özgü Erdinç, Nafiye Yılmaz, Salim Erkaya, Ayla Aktulay, Nilüfer Akgün, Canan Demirtaş doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2018.71084 2018; 33 - 2 | Pages 100 - 104
20. | Investigation of health quality in factory workers who work in the noisy environments. Hatice Berat Orhan, Banu Müjdeci doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.037 2016; 31 - 1 | Pages 37 - 45