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Volume : 39 Issue : 4 Year : 2024

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Medeniyet Med J: 31 (4)
Volume: 31  Issue: 4 - 2016
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1.Does the awareness of the patient about the amount of daily salt consumption decrease his/her salt intake?
Muammer Bilici, Fatih Yılmaz, Sevil Uygun İlikhan, Ali Borazan
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.237  Pages 237 - 240

2.Spot urine protein/creatinine ratio is associated with 24-hour proteinuria and serum albumin
Özlem Alkan, Abdullah Özkök, Hande Özportakal, Ahmet Sait Bulut, Ferruh İşman, Ali Rıza Odabaş
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.241  Pages 241 - 244

3.Our management of anesthesia in elective and emergency cesarean surgery: A retrospective evaluation of the last ten years
Özgür Özmen, Zakir Arslan, Mürsel Ekinci, İbrahim Tör, Duygu Kara, Muhammet Ahmet Karakaya
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.245  Pages 245 - 249

4.Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy: Comparison of the effectiveness of using sickle knife-micro osteotome and monopolar cautery-Kerrison punch
Serhat Yaslıkaya
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.250  Pages 250 - 255

5.Evaluation of the patients admitted to the pediatric cardiology department with chest pain: a single center experience
Pınar Dervişoğlu, Mustafa Kösecik, Gülin Tabanlı
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.256  Pages 256 - 259

6.Is ACE-27 a reliable method for predicting mortality of hip fractures treated with hemiarthroplasty in the elderly?
Mesut Tahta, Tuğrul Bulut, Tahir Öztürk, Muhittin Şener, İzge Günal
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.260  Pages 260 - 265

7.Utility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic liver
Ahmet Aslan, İbrahim İnan, Vildan Karagöz, Mine Aslan, Murat Acar
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.266  Pages 266 - 273

8.The contribution of high-sensitivity troponin T on the diagnosis of coronary artery disease in patients undergoing exercise ECG test
Yahya Kemal İçen, Gamze İçen, Mevlüt Koç, Esra Dönmez, Murat Çaylı
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.274  Pages 274 - 277

9.Levonorgestrel containing intrauterine device (Mirena®) in the treatment of dyfunctional uterine bleeding; patients’ view and our experience
Burçin Karamustafaoğlu Balcı, Meryem Hocaoğlu, Gökhan Göynümer, Ahmet Göçmen
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.278  Pages 278 - 281

10.Trachyspermum Ammi and Linum Usitatissimum are medicinal herbs used as hypolipidemic agents which protect against coronary artery disease
Ashraf Memon, Majid Ali Hingoro, Khalid Niaz, Shah Murad, Moosa Khan, Abdul Qudoos, Shahina Hakro
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.282  Pages 282 - 286

11.Neuro-Ophthalmological Emergencies
Tuba Çelik, Ayşe Çevik
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.287  Pages 287 - 295

12.Can Affective Domain Skills Be Developed in Nursing Education?
Fatma Nevin Sisman, Sevim Buzlu
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.1006  Pages 296 - 300

13.Pilomatrixoma Localized in Vulva
Doğa Fatma Öcal, Esengül Türkyılmaz, İsmail Burak Gültekin, Yasemin Çekmez, Sevil Günçe
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2017.1005  Pages 301 - 303

14.Rarely seen temporary subclavian vein spasm and twitching on the epicardial battery
Derya Aydın Şahin, Osman Başpınar
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.304  Pages 304 - 306

15.Pott’s Puffy tumor and intracranial complication developing secondary to acute frontal sinusitis: A case report
Tuba Bayındır, Çiğdem Fırat, Ali Özerk, Zeynep Özdemir, Namık Öztanır
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.307  Pages 307 - 310

16.Growing evidence related to the association between endocrine disruptor chemicals and stillbirth
Francesco Piscioli, Teresa Pusiol, Anna Maria Lavezzi, Luca Roncati
doi: 10.5222/MMJ.2016.311  Page 311
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