Volume: 37 Issue: 1 - 2022 |
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1. | Cover
Pages I - XII
2. | The Active Compound Thymoquinone Alters Chondrogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Modulation of Intracellular Signaling Banu ISKENDER doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.68915 Pages 1 - 12
3. | The Role of Fusion Technique of Computed Tomography and Non-echo-planar Diffusion-weighted Imaging in the Evaluation of Surgical Cholesteatoma Localization Ayse Ozlem BALIK, Lutfu SENELDIR, Aysegul VERIM, Sema ZER TOROS doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.28928 Pages 13 - 20
4. | The Effect of Chronic Inhouse Biomass Fuel Smoke Exposure on Coronary Slow Flow Phenomenon in Women Living in the Eastern Region of Turkey Tayyar AKBULUT, Faysal SAYLIK doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.41948 Pages 21 - 28
5. | Radiological, Clinical, and Histological Findings in the Treatment of Pilonidal Sinus with Phenol Injection Tonguc Utku YILMAZ, Omer YAVUZ, Ahmet Oktay YIRMIBESOGLU, Hasan Tahsin SARISOY, Cigdem VURAL, Umay KIRAZ, Nihat Zafer UTKAN doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.22566 Pages 29 - 35
6. | Multivariable Diagnostic Prediction Model to Detect Hormone Secretion Profile From T2W MRI Radiomics with Artificial Neural Networks in Pituitary Adenomas Begumhan BAYSAL, Mehmet Bilgin ESER, Mahmut Bilal DOGAN, Muhammet Arif KURSUN doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.58538 Pages 36 - 43
7. | Comparison of Maternal, Perinatal, and Neonatal Outcomes of Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Pregnant Women with Coronavirus Disease-2019 Tayfun VURAL, Burak BAYRAKTAR, Suna YILDIRIM KARACA, Ozan ODABAS, Nisel YILMAZ, Pınar SAMLIOGLU, Mehmet OZEREN doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.47600 Pages 44 - 53
8. | A Study on Coronavirus Disease-2019 Stigma Associated with Coronavirus Disease-2019 Warriors and an Insight into Community Perception Madhavi GAJULA, Suwarna MADHUKUMAR doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.93384 Pages 54 - 61
9. | How to Manage Low Estriol Levels in Pregnancies, One Center Experience Elif YILMAZ GULEC, Alper GEZDIRICI, Akif AYAZ, Fatma Nihal OZTURK, Ibrahim POLAT doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.22747 Pages 62 - 70
10. | Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Functional Urology Practice: A Nationwide Survey From Turkey Ahmet TAHRA, Murat DINCER, Rahmi ONUR doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.97450 Pages 71 - 78
11. | Adenoma Detection Rate in Colonoscopic Screening with Ketamine-based Sedation: A Prospective Observational Study Mirza KOVACEVIC, Nermina RIZVANOVIC, Adisa SABANOVIC ADILOVIC, Nedim BARUCIJA, Anida ABAZOVIC doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.75282 Pages 79 - 84
12. | Prognostic Nutritional Index Predicts Early Mortality in Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma Erman OZTURK, Tayfun ELIBOL, Emrah KILICASLAN, Beyza KABAYUKA, Işıl ERDOGAN OZUNAL doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.87422 Pages 85 - 91
13. | Did Hospital Admissions Caused by Respiratory Infections and Asthma Decrease During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Zeynep Reyhan ONAY, Deniz MAVI, Yetkin AYHAN, Sinem CAN OKSAY, Gulay BILGIN, Saniye GIRIT doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.02779 Pages 92 - 98
14. | Pedobarographic Measurements of Rheumatoid Feet Compared with Clinical Parameters Yasemin YUMUSAKHUYLU, Bilinc DOGRUOZ KARATEKIN, Selin TURAN TURGUT, Afitap ICAGASIOGLU, Esra SELIMOGLU, Sadiye MURAT, Esen KASAPOGLU, Bekir TURGUT doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2021.70750 Pages 99 - 104
15. | Quality of Life, Participation, and Functional Status in Cerebral Palsy: A 13-year Follow-up Study Bilinc DOGRUOZ KARATEKIN, Afitap ICAGASIOGLU doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.54920 Pages 105 - 112
16. | Intracapsular Enucleation of Intraparotid Facial Nerve Schwannoma with Intratemporal Extension Linger SIM, Xing Yi YEOH, Tay Eng TAN, Zahirrudin ZAKARIA, Irfan MOHAMAD doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.46844 Pages 113 - 118
17. | Invasive Heart Rate Control as a Salvage Therapy in Amiodarone-induced Thyroid Storm Emin Evren OZCAN, Mustafa DOGDUS, Resit Yigit YILANCIOGLU, Suleyman Cem ADIYAMAN, Oguzhan Ekrem TURAN doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.55453 Pages 119 - 122
18. | Primary Umbilical Endometriosis: Villar’s Nodule Christos IAVAZZO, Nikolaos VRACHNIS, Ioannis D. GKEGKES doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.48865 Pages 123 - 124
19. | Erratum
doi: 10.4274/MMJ.galenos.2022.e001 Page 125