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     e-ISSN 2149-4606
Volume : 39 Issue : 4 Year : 2024

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Medeniyet Med J: 20 (3)
Volume: 20  Issue: 3 - 2005
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1.To estimate the nutritional status of the surgical patients with two different tecniques
A. Esra Sağıroğlu, Nursen Koltka, Fatih Öztekin, Hayriye Yeşil, Tayyibe Kaşıkçı, Melek Çelik
Pages 129 - 133

2.Effects of long-term oxygen therapy on mortality and compliance of patients with severe COPD
Zuhal Karakurt, Nur Güngör, Müyesser Ertuğrul, Murat Korkmaz, Sinan Arslan, Ebru Sulu, Mehmet D. Tavşan, Canan Gedik, Hatice Türker
Pages 134 - 136

3.Intraocular pressure changes following cataract extraction in primary open-angle glaucoma patients
Sevil Arı Yaylalı, Aylin Ardagil, Hasan Horoz, Hasan H. Erbil
Pages 137 - 139

4.Comparing the results of shoulder examination tests and magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder
Koray Ünay, Oğuz Poyanlı, Kaya Akan, Emre Demirçay, Nadir Şener
Pages 140 - 142

5.The etiology of the onset epilepsy in infancy
Faruk İncecik, M. Özlem Hergüner, Kenan Özcan, Şakir Atunbaşak
Pages 143 - 146

6.Comparison of the results of implantation of anterior chamber and scleral-fixated posterior chamber intraocular lenses
Aylin Ardagil, Sevil Arı, Hasan Horoz, Hasan H. Erbil
Pages 147 - 149

7.Hypertension and body mass index with relationship endometrial thickness in postmenapausal women
Fatma Horasan Altıntaşoğlu, Cüneyt Eftal Taner, Afet Ege, Gülizar Yeşilkaya Ersoy, Ümit Arslan Naykı
Pages 150 - 152

8.The operating room team’s knowledge and the experiences about anesthesia
Fatma Sarıcaoğlu, Seda Banu Akıncı, Beyhan Güler, Meral Kanbak
Pages 153 - 156

9.Approach of doctors about diagnosis and treatment of COPD
Abdurrahman Abakay, A. Çetin Tanrıkulu, Gökhan Kırbaş, Canan Eren Dağlı, Özlem Arıtürk, Yılmaz Palancı
Pages 157 - 160

10.Morphometric anatomy of anterior commissure, pineal body and massa intermedia
Mehmet Asım Özer, Gülgün Kayalıoğlu, Mete Ertürk
Pages 161 - 163

11.The association of atherosclerosis, high sensitiv C reactive protein and diabetic retinopathy
Sevil Arı Yaylalı, Hasan H. Erbil, Banu Alpaslan Mesci, Aytekin Oğuz, Gökhan Yıldırım, Gülsüm Dinç
Pages 164 - 167

12.The role and diagnostic yield of transbronchial lung biopsy in pulmonary sarcoidosis
Birsen Ocaklı, Zuhal Karakurt, Ebru Sulu, Nur Güngör, Müyesser Ertuğrul, Mehmet D. Yavşan, Hatice Türker
Pages 168 - 170

13.Perinatal tuberculosis after prophylaxis of isoniazid
Özden Türel, Nevin Hatipoğlu, Meliha Arslan, Hüsem Hatipoğlu, Rengin Şiraneci
Pages 171 - 172

14.Staging laparoscopy for determinating resectablity of pancreatic cancer: Evaluation of four cases under the light of the literature
Bülent Salman, Bahadır Ege, Nusret Akyürek, Ertan Tatlıcıoğlu
Pages 173 - 177

15.A delayed posttraumatic hernia
Esen Besli, Atiye Fedakar, Rüstem Üçel, Nadir Tosyalı, Müferet Ergüven
Pages 178 - 179

16.Case of imperforate hymen was diagnosed woh is 18-year-old
Taner Usta, Zehra Öztürk, Nihal Çetin, Serpil Ortakuz, Ayşe Seyhan, Uğur Ateş, Bilhan Sıdal
Pages 180 - 182

17.Hyper IgM syndrome
Müferet Ergüven, Arzu Akdağ, Merve Usta, Rüstem Üçel, Hamit Özkan
Pages 183 - 184

18.Eagle syndrome, which causes asymmetry of the neck during swallowing
Okan Akkaya, Devrim Bellek, Burak Karabulut, Yavuz Özkan
Pages 185 - 187

19.Approach to uterine anomalies in infertile cases
Recep Yıldızhan, Ertan Adalı, Begüm Yıldızhan, Emre Erdoğdu, Necdet Süer
Pages 188 - 189

20.Influence of high dose methylprednisolone therapy on prognosis of acute transverse myelitis in children
Müferet Ergüven, Sevliya Öcal, Can Emeksiz, Sinem Altunyuva, Arzu Akdağ, Atiye Fedakar
Pages 190 - 192


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